Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 10: 1/18

(よう)So that, In order to, In such a way that


Verb[る](1) + ように + Phrase
Verb[できる](2) + ように + Phrase

(1) Verb[ない]
(2) Verb[できる][ない]


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About ように

When partnered with verbs in the potential form, or in the negative form, the auxiliary verb ようだ (in its adverbial form ように) implies that the speaker has a lack of direct control over an outcome, and therefore is 'trying to do (B) in the manner of (A)', but cannot guarantee the result. This grammar point is usually translated as 'to do (A) in such a way that will enable (B)', or 'in order to allow (B)'.

To use ように in this way, simply add it to the non-past form of any verb in its negative, potential, or standard conjugation.

As mentioned in our lesson about potential verbs, する does not actually have a potential form, and therefore できる will be used instead.




    For example, I wear warm clothes so that I won't catch a cold.


    I plan to explain it in such a way that he will be able to understand.


    I always take notes so that I won't forget important things.


    I plan to leave a few minutes earlier so that I will be on time.


    The skiiers wear goggles so that they won't be blinded (disoriented) by the sun.

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ように – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    so that
    in order to
    in such a way that


    • Verb[る/ない] + ように , Phrase
    • Verb[potential] + ように ,Phrase

    [AようにB, A expresses an outcome that is desired but is beyond the will of the speaker (someone tries to influence someone else’s behavior or depends on someone or on some other external circumstances)]

    [Therefore ように is used mostly with the potential form and negative verbs]

    View on Bunpro

  • deltacat3


    In this example sentence…

    The skiiers wear goggles so that they won’t be blinded (disoriented) by the sun.

    Is 太陽に, expressing a location for ones 目 “eyes” to look at?
    Its kind of figurative so I thought it best to ask, Thank you!

  • Pushindawood


    @deltacat3 This use of に is similar to how it is used with もらう or, more appropriately, with the passive voice. In both cases, に marks the “giver” (I was given a scarf by my mother) or the “doer” (I was praised by my father) respectively. In this case, the sun is the “doer” and is causing the skiers to become disoriented (disoriented by the sun). Hope this helps. Cheers!

  • Ambo100


    AIAJ has this pattern which I found most helpful in understanding the structure.

    ‘X のように Y’ means ‘Y so that X’

  • Howl_UK


    Link to Misa’s video for this grammar point.

  • Howl_UK


    I just watched this as well. I think I prefer her to Misa actually. She is amazingly clear and thorough.

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