Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 4: 4/17

れる・られる + ままにDo as (one is told or ordered…), In accordance with, In compliance with, Just like


Verb[られる]+ (が) + まま + (に)


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About れる・られる + ままに

When paired with まま, a noun meaning 'in the state of', and the case marking particle に, the auxiliary verbs れる and られる indicate something being done 'as one is told', or 'as ordered'. Because of this, れる and られる will almost always be paired with verbs that indicate some kind of communication.

As these structures are in the passive, the literal translation is close to 'to do (B) in the state that (A) was done to me'. The (B) part will come directly after ままに and simply states how someone is going to react in compliance with (A).

The conjunction particle が may appear between られる and ままに, but this is not common in modern Japanese. Although it does carry the meaning of 'but', the focus is more on expressing that the (A) is not being resisted or argued with when doing (B).


In this grammar pattern, られる will never appear in the past-tense form.




    I told him where she lives, just like I was asked.


    I handed over the money as demanded by the robber.


    We explored the city of Paris as guided by the guide.


    The students repeated the pronunciation just like they were taught by the teacher.


    In compliance with the pestering from our daughter, my husband will unfortunately buy her any gifts.

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れる・られる + ままに – Grammar Discussion