Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 8: 15/18


Not only… but also

It is often used together with second noun + particle も (meaning "also") in main clause.


Verb + だけ + でなく(1)
[い]Adjective + だけ + でなく(1)
[な]Adjective + + だけ + でなく(1)
Noun + だけ + でなく(1)

(1) ではなく(て)じゃなく(て)


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About だけでなく

だけでなく (an abbreviation of だけではなく) is a common construction in Japanese which translates to 'not only (A), but also (B)'. Sometimes the (B) statement may be left unsaid. This expression may connect to any (A) phrase that だけ would usually be able to connect to.
  • ()ために運動(うんどう)するだけでなく()ものに()()なくてはいけない
    To lose weight, not only should you exercise, but you must also be careful of what you eat.
  • 名古屋(なごや)(なつ)(あつ)だけでなく湿気(しっけ)ひど
    Summer in Nagoya is not only hot, but the humidity is terrible too.
  • 田舎(いなか)(しずか)だけでなく空気(くうき)きれい
    The countryside is not only quiet, but the air is also clean.
  • トーマス(くるま)だけでなく、バイクボート()ている
    Not only does Thomas own a car, but he also has a bike, and a boat.
The in では is not the particle , but the auxiliary verb in its conjunctive form. is regularly dropped from では expressions, or it may also be changed to じゃ, for ease of pronunciation.
  • タケルピアノだけじゃなくギター()ける()いた
    I heard that Takeru can not only play the piano, but also the guitar.
The conjunction particle should follow なく, as it is the conjunctive form of the い-Adjective ない. However, the in this particular construction is very often omitted.
  • トム日本語(にほんご)だけでなくて、中国語(ちゅうごくご)(はな)せる
    Not only can Tom speak Japanese, but also Chinese.
In writing, if there is no comma (known as a 読点(とうてん) in Japanese) after なく, the full なくて construction will be required. When a comma is present, both forms are grammatically correct.
  • (かど)あるラーメン()おいしだけでなくて(りょう)(おお)
    The ramen shop on the corner is not only delicious, but the portions are large too.




    Not only me, but also my friends can speak Japanese.


    That person can speak not only Japanese, but also Korean, Chinese, and Thai.


    Johnny Depp has not only visited Canada, but has visited Japan as well.


    Not only does she like this movie but I do too.


    Not only can my boyfriend cook, but he can also do housework, so it is really helpful.

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だけでなく – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • narfi


    Why is だけでなくて not accepted in this grammar point, but it is accepted in だけでなく(て)~も (

  • Pushindawood


    Excellent question! I have updated the grammar point to accept だけでなくて as an alternate answer. Cheers!

  • allanw


    Is it also worth adding Tobira page 21 to the resources section?

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